Set the scene, with Dolby Atmos and Ambisonic Effects by Sound Ideas: a collection of ambient sounds that will foster realism in your productions. These 125 tracks are available in three formats: Stereo for standard audio, and Ambisonics and Dolby Atmos for surround sound, to simulate full immersion into the pictured world. Ambisonics offers full 360 degree spherical sound, while Dolby Armos is great for object based sound reproduction. These recordings are spread across locations that offer different environmental elements, manifesting in their unique sonic output. From nature’s acoustics of lush foliage and rich wildlife, to the man-made sounds of rattling construction and hum of household utility systems - this package has it all.
Dolby Atmos and Ambisonic Effects is embedded with descriptive metadata that conforms to UCS format, and is available in 24/96 wav files; available only from Sound Ideas.
Here is a general rundown of what you will find in this collection:
- Locations: Forest, Lakeside, Park, Public, Room, Rural, Seaside, Suburbs, Swamp, Town, Underground, Urban
- Nature: Birdsong, Amphibian, Crow, Fowl, Fire, Rain, Thunder, Storm, Water, Wind, Vegetation
- Man-Made: Construction, Concrete, Metal, Sports, Traffic, Vehicles, Warfare
- 125 royalty free sound effects in 3 formats
- 88.7 GB @ 24/96
- Available for Download in Dolby Atmos, Ambisonic, and Stereo
- All files fully embedded with extensive metadata
- Filenames conform to UCS formatting