Crash, Bang, Wallop Sound Effects

Product Specifications
  • 1,228 Sound Effects
  • 4.36 GB @ 24/96
  • Available in 4 formats
  • Broadcast wav Files in UCS Format
A top-quality collection of 1,228 sound effects featuring Crashes, Bangs, and Wallops made by diverse materials.

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  $395.00 USD

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Crash, Bang, Wallop Sound Effects

Create a commotion with Crash Bang Wallop Sound Effects by Sound Ideas! This collection features 1,228 sounds of impacts against diverse materials: including the clang of metal, the crushing of brick, and the crinkle of plastic. Embrace the noise - from the mundanity of a vase falling off a table to the ground and shattering to pieces, to a forceful collision of two cars with the metallic crash triggering an explosion of flames. To delve even further, this collection follows through on the sonic fall-out with post-impact reverberations and the sounds of debris haphazardly strewn about in the wake of chaos. Amplify your next productions, with a Crash a Bang and a Wallop.   


Here’s a rundown of what you will find in this collection:

  • Impacts: Projectile, Ceramic, Debris, Hit, Wall, Metal, Body, Glass, Ice, Plastic, Rock, Wood
  • Sounds: Thud, Smash, Crash, Burst, Boom, Crunch, Rattle, Crack, Snap, Slam, Whoosh, Bang, Grind, Clatter
  • Descriptive Qualities: Piercing, Distant, Close-By, Dull, Heavy, Punchy, Hard, Low, Explosive, Hollow, Rusty


Crash Bang Wallop Sound Effects is embedded with descriptive metadata that conforms to UCS format, and is available in 24/96, 24/48, 16/48 or 16/44.1 wav files; available only from Sound Ideas.



  • 1,228 royalty free sound effects
  • 4.36 GB @ 24/96
  • Available for Download as 16/44.1, 16/48, 24/48 or 24/96 broadcast .wav files
  • Digitally recorded stereo audio
  • All files fully embedded with extensive metadata
  • Filenames conform to UCS formatting