Network Sound Effects Library is a massive collection of 10,000 royalty free sound effects on 120 Audio CDs. Sound Ideas has acquired all remaining CD inventory of the Network Sound Effects Library from Universal Studios and only a limited supply of these CDs is available. Once they are gone – that is the end of this historic collection on CD. All of the royalty free sound effects in this package have been digitally mastered. From the blast of an acetylene torch to the zzzippp of a zipper, this 120 CD library provides a great range of sound clips that industry professionals have relied on. For the creation of radio and television commercials, industrial films, documentaries, motion pictures, plays, Web sites, multimedia presentations and many other audiovisual productions – choose the Network Sound Effects Library.
19 general sound effects categories including:
- Aeronautics, Music, Animals, Weather
- Office, Construction, People, Industry
- Electronics, Rail, Emergency, Whistles
- Sports, Explosions, Vehicles, Military… and more
Featured Recordings include:
- Lumberjack Recordings
- Casinos, Temples and Fairgrounds
- Football, Baseball and Basketball
- Battlefields both modern day and past centuries
- 9,996 royalty free sound effects
- 120 Audio CDs
- Digitally mastered sound clips