Digiffects ClickShop Sound Effects Library is a collection of more than 2,300 royalty free sound effects designed to really turn you on – and off – and on again. This set of switches, buttons, beeps, hits, rips, scrapes, clicks, hums, motors and machines offers great variety of mechanical and industrial sound clips and backgrounds. You will find both big machine ambiences and small individual switches in this set of royalty free sound effects. It also includes a selection of unprocessed sound effects with a wide range of applications for science fiction, horror, fantasy and cartoon productions. You can purchase as a complete library download, or as individual CD downloads – Digiffects ClickShop Sound Effects Library.
- 2,310 royalty free sound effects Digital stereo sounds Switches, Beeps, Motors & Machinery Toggles, Scrapes & Hits Both processed and unprocessed sound effects
- This product uses UCS format filenames and metadata
- Available for Download as 16/44.1, 16/48 or 24/48 broadcast wav files