Digiffects Power Pack Sound Effects Library is a royalty free sound effects collection of high powered and superior quality processed sound effects created to save you valuable production time in situations when ordinary sound clips just aren’t strong enough. This collection of sound effects provides more than 1,700 pre-boosted effects. All the sound effects are packed with tremendous impact and processed to the limit. All of the effects are designed to be combined with each other to give you maximum flexibility and power. Available as a complete library download, or as individual downloads – Digiffects Power Pack Sound Effects Library.
- 1,743 royalty free sound effects Digital stereo sounds
- Processed, Hi-Impact, and Extreme sounds include: Science Fiction, Impacts, Sports Comedy, Crashes, Weapons
- Originally available on 7 CDs
- This product uses UCS format filenames and metadata
- Available for Download as 16/44.1, 16/48 or 24/48 broadvast wav files