Bundles Sound Effects Bundles 1
$595.00 USD
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Transport Sound Effects by Digiffects - Series D is a royalty free sound effects collection with more than 2,200 transport sounds from the very small to the very large. This comprehensive transportation sound effects library includes trains, planes and automobiles; ships, boats and ferries; buses, motorcycles and helicopters as they start, fly, pass by and skid. There is a also a good selection of car Foley sound effects in this set includes horns, doors, keys, trunks, hoods and wipers. Unusual Features include: European and American Car Models Ferrari, Peugeot, Lamborghini and Saab models Hovercraft and Mountain Trains.
You can purchase the library as a complete CD set, a complete library download, or as individual CD downloads – Transport Sound Effects by Digiffects - Series D.
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