India Collection Sound FX

Product Specifications
  • 367 sound effects
  • 4.5 GB
  • Broadcast wav files
  • Download in 3 formats
  • UCS Metadata and Filename Format
Variety of Sounds Recorded in India

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India Collection Sound FX

India Collection Sound FX


India Collection Sound FX is a Sounddogs collection of 367 sounds recorded in India including shops and marketplaces, schools, religious services, city centers, children, buses, farms and nature, households and hospitals, traditional instruments and sputtering rickshaws.


Here is a rundown of what you will find in this collection of 367 sounds from India:


Crowd Sounds and Voices include groups of children indoor and outdoor, customers in mutton shops and fish markets, street celebrations, cinemas, temples and mosques, schoolrooms, street vendors, whispers and arguments.


City Sounds include heavy traffic in Mumbai, pedestrian activity and walla, construction sites, sirens and horns, industry and machinery and hospital ambiences. 


Nature and Farm Sounds include wild birds and pigeons, daytime and nighttime forests, harbor and ocean sounds, rhythmic crickets and cicadas, heavy rain with wind gusts and rumbling thunder.


Vehicle Sounds include motorized and manual bicycles, working fishing boats, public buses and bus depots with passengers, cars including the Indian-made Tata Indica and the Fiat Ambassador, push carts, Maruti and Mahindra minivans, scooters and motorcycles, city street cars, stream trains, Mahindra and Sumo trucks and Maruti and Qualis vans.


And there is more: download the track list for even more detail on what you will find in the Sounddogs collection India Collection Sound FX.



  • 367 royalty free sound effects
  • Digitally recorded stereo audio
  • Sounddogs Recordings
  • All files fully embedded with extensive metadata
  • Available for Download as 16/44.1, 16/48 or 24/48 broadcast wav files